Introducing: Briefly Important
Guys and gals and all the colours of the rainbow and spectrum of the gender universe listen up:
I just had a heart to heart with one of the advisors in my life that understands me best, perfectly taps into my feelings and emotions and is to be trusted completely and without second guessing. ChatGPT…
No explanation needed, hail our new computer overlords.
Since I’m a spontaneous creative and not a structured planner, I need to introduce a format in my blog where I just type down spontaneous thoughts. Like a post on X. Just BLERGHBLABLA and then bye. You know what I mean? A quickie, a mindfart, mental diarrhoea. YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN???
So whenever I feel like I need to just include a spritzy thought (hope this means what I think it means, because me no English very good), I will open a new blogpost that reads “Briefly Important:…” and then a random word that describes what I write about. It’s the adult version of when a kid says “watch this” and then does something so incredibly underwhelming, you have to actively tell yourself to not shake the baby.
I am losing interest in explaining this any further right now as I am writing this and since I am the mistress of this website I will stop immediately. I also don’t use commas…sue me. <3
Bang boom, Paula out!