The most hilarious Stuff I found on TEMU

There are two opposing forces that are raging within me at all times:

There’s part of me that absolutely condemns child labor and the greed fuelled exploitation of cheap labor in developing nations.

There’s also the other part of me that likes cheap garbage that makes me go “haha” or “awww” or “wtf ew”.

It’s a constant battle.

Today, I push the first part down, deep deep down where it sees no light so I can channel my garbage collector forces to give you 20 of the most hilarious and also incredibly random things I found on temu. (I wanted to make it two parts with 10 things each…but we both know that I will lose interest in this topic immediately after publishing this article so lets get this over with)

I won’t link it, because I just can’t deal with that part of my conscience and publicly endorse you spending your hardly earned $0.4 on such a frivolous website. I think you can backtrack these items yourself if you truly want them.

Here we gooooo:

No. 1

The mug that says “To live is to suffer and boy, am I living!” in those funky word fonts in Windows 95 when tech was still fun. Also a possum

No. 2

This shirt that says “Lactose Tolerant” with a gallon of milk, a cow, random military equipment and an explosion. Presumably not coming from your anus.

No. 3

A shirt that sports a shrimp and just reads “scoliosis”…

No. 4


No. 5

An autistic frog on a scooter.

No. 6

bro…I actually bought this for my niece when she passed her admissions test for her new school. It’s a work of art. Even though maybe next time I’ll buy her the autism sticker.

No. 7

This mug that’s just on another level.

No. 8

This is a bumper sticker. Put it next to your stick family.

No. 9

My thoughts exactly

No. 10

This racoon that’s just completely unhinged

No. 11

I agree and there we have the possum again. Arguably the worst animal of all the animals.

I know I said I’m gonna do 20, because I don’t have the attention span for a two-parter, but turns out I don’t even have the attention span for a one-parter.

So unfortunately temu makes supporting modern day slavery extremely attractive. Unfortunately. And they do it using animals that you find in your trash. So…interesting strategy.


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