How to bring out the absolute WORST in People
Buckle up motherfuckers, this is gonna be a RIDE.
I saw a post on LinkedIn, you know the social media for people who are desperately afraid of being boring and irrelevant, and it went something like this:
There was a picture of a Model Y Tesla, covered in snow. Somebody had written something onto the windshield and it said “you’re fired”.
The post had a super long text that I skipped over, because how dare you take up so much of my time with your fake drama on a platform that uses the spacerocket emoji as a serious means of communication.
The guy talked about how they (he and his wife) loved their Tesla, but how they are unwilling to support a man like Elon Musk. He went on about his political views and basically Tesla evil, Elon evil, but he good. He good because he no more have evil car.
This post got mad exposure, obviously. Shit like that tends to stir up the chair-farting community like a well organised excel spreadsheet.
But now get this:
I clicked on this motherfuckers profile and you know what he does for a living?
He is a big pharma CEO.
Thank god you’ve sold your motherfucking Tesla and bought…I don’t know what, a BMW? Because we all know good people only drive BMWs. Jesus Christ it warms my heart.
Listen, I don’t even want to shit on this guy, because I genuinely think he meant what he said. Besides, it’s petty and irresponsible to mock people online. I’ll explain what I mean by that later.
My point is, that even thought I absolutely understand the why people aren’t fans of Trump or Vance or Musk or whomever, I just feel like people (myself included, I’m also people) love to do nothing more than to run into the rage bait trap. Just fucking LOVE it.
OMG LOOK AT THIS PERSON THIS PERSON IS A PIECE OF SHIT. Let’s feed each other with outrage and half truths, because it just feels right.
They put stickers on their Teslas saying “I bought it before Elon went crazy”.
It’s the same people who write comments on MrBeast videos telling him to kill himself. Or people who tell Cody Ko he’s basically Epstein. It’s just all the same. Put one toe out of line and next thing you’ll find is random people stand in a circle, jerk each other off telling each other stories of how bad of a person you are. Everyone is Hitler if you just dig deep enough.
Don’t get me wrong, I’m not here coming in Donald Trump’s defence and I don’t have to, because it’s not about him. If you’re a person who passionately talks about how bad everybody else is, it’s NEVER about them.
It’s about you.
While that one finger points away, four others point right back at you.
But I have a solution:
Stop talking to people.
Just thinking about it gets me excited. I can’t wait to never talk to people ever again!
I actually wanted to end the Blog here, because I really don’t feel it’s worth investing any more energy into, but I just thought of another story that fits into this narrative.
There was this random family that posted all of their family shit on social media, because that is always a good idea. One day however, they post a video of them shopping at Walmart and their little boy sits in in the shoppingcart-babyseat. In the video, you see the dad putting something into the cart and as his hand covers over the boys face, the boy flinches.
That’s it.
The entire fucking internet loses their shit. Because obviously, this is 100% proof he is hitting the boy. People started posting videos of themselves hovering their palms in front of their kids faces, proving that since they don’t beat their kids, their kids don’t flinch.
Look…look… Sure, you can totally assume that that’s what’s happening. What I don’t like is people acting like a mob with pitchforks, burning people at the stake due to some vague flinch they saw in a video. Beating your children is a really really serious accusation, which is why extraordinary claims always require extraordinary evidence. Call the fucking cops, you’re not the cops. You’re just a dumbass watching a video online. If that guy really is beating his kid, do you actually think de-platforming him is going to do the kid any favours? NO!
And imagine that’s really not what’s happening at all. Imagine this happened for an entirely different reason and all this guy now sees is how people are accusing him of domestic violence. Great job!
The funny thing is: these are the SAME people who instead of intervening, they get their phones out and film whatever is happening somewhere and then post it on social media. I remember I deleted TikTok because some absolute nutjob thought it appropriate to fucking film a woman on the beach in Egypt who is having a nervous breakdown because she just witnessed her son getting mauled by a shark in plain sight.
My god, you’re truly making the world a better place.
Ok wow I’m done. Sorry for that downer I just had to spill my guts, because I step into that trap myself. I love being outraged and flabbergasted and point fingers. It feels kinda good and it’s so fucking easy. I hope by writing it down I don’t step into that trap much too often anymore.
That’s it…Paula out!