Briefly Important: Social Media (blerg)
You know what I really really miss about Instagram?
The part that wasn’t an ad.
Yes that existed. I know, fucking wild!
Also the part that was about my friends life and not about a random fucking stranger I don’t care about, who doesn’t care about me and who takes the Insta-game a little too seriously. Like alright Lisa, your toddler is really into beige, I fucking got it bro!
I remember instagram as a platform that was about sharing moments with friends, about photography. Back then, the people I actually know in real life ACTUALLY posted pictures of themselves or whatever they were doing. Back then, Instagram was the product. Now the product is me. Nobody cared about it looking super perfect. But all people say nowadays is “oh no that’s actually something you’d put into a story”; “well actually, you should post 3 reels each week to fit the current narrative”; “ actualllyyyyyyyyy, you need to post carousels now that include pictures and videos”; “WEHL AAAHCTUELLAYYYYY, you should fit a certain colour scheme. Look I only post a coffee mug with leaves in the background and I have 350k followers!”
Do me a favour and never fucking talk to me.
I don’t even know about Facebook, I haven’t used that platform since Instagram came out. When somebody tells me to add them on Facebook I basically turn around, walk away and forget this person exists.
I deleted TikTok.
You know why? Because it’s remarkable how much time in your life passes you by while you’re distracted watching funny videos. It accumulates and, all of a sudden, all you were doing was being comfortably distracted. I know TikTok is fucking hilarious. I know. And I know after a long day of working or listening to bullshit in school, it’s so SO relaxing. I KNOW okay?? And I’m always wondering: what’s so bad about some funny clips it’s so creative. It’s so entertaining.
I don’t know man I’m not a psychiatrist or Andrew Huberman or whatever person knows all the things nowadays. I just know that the day I deleted it, I felt like a demon was exorcised from my soul. Not to be dramatic.
If you’re now thinking “buuuuuhuhuuuuuttttttt what about the people who use Instagram for their business? What about the influencer business huh??? WHAT ABAUT THE BIZNESSSS! Wouldn’t you consider it different if you have it for fun and have it for a monetary purpose??”