Money and Power
Are these the two most important things in the entire world? no…
Are these two of the three most important things in the entire world?
The first one of the three being reserved for the living breathing entities that are closest to you. Because in the end…we’re very emotional little meatballs and we also need the support and touch of other extremely emotional little meatballs. <3
And as soon as you get that out of the way - money and power!
I know I know I know! You’re like “people like you are what’s wrong with the world” or “greed is what’s killing our oceans” and fact is: you’re right. But let me assure you that there is a different side to it as well.
Honestly, I don’t even know where exactly I’m going with this while writing it. What I’m thinking about is my 13 year old niece whom I care about a lot.
My boyfriend Dominic and I spent the weekend at my sister’s, because she and Ronja, my niece, wanted to rearrange their entire apartment. Ronja would get the bigger room, because she’s now a young adult who needs a lot of space for her dumb shit. Something you accumulate more and more of the older you get apparently.
Her and I packed her old room up and moved everything out when we start talking about what she thinks she wants to do when she finishes school. She told me straight up that she’s not even sure what’s out there. She just doesn’t want to spend her days behind a desk. Smart!
As an adult who can faintly remember the idealism of a kid that age, I told her that what she chooses as a profession should also be determined by what kind of life she wants to live. What does that mean?
It means do you want to live in a city?
Do you want a big apartment or a house?
Do you want a car?
What kind of car?
Do you want to work from home?
Do you want to work with your hands or with your head more?
Do you want to talk to people?
Do you want to absolutely never talk to anyone (don’t we all)?
How much freetime to do you want to have?
Do you want to go on local vacations or do you want to go abroad?
THAT kind of shit. And once you have that, we can work backwards from there, see what kind of jobs give you that sort of lifestyle. If the result is not acceptable, adjust your standards (lol super easy, just don’t want a nice apartment and you’re fine haah)
Something you should know is:
she has a very conflicting stet of influences in her life when it comes to money. Her mom is more of a highly skilled, but monetarily underprivileged artist. In shorter terms she smart but she aint got no cash. Just never worked in a job that paid her accordingly, so there we have it. But since she’s super fucking smart, she uses what she’s got. Amazing skill! But she a bum!
Her dad works as a caregiver at a hospital. Also highly skilled and that pays a good wage.
Then she’s got me. And I have no skills, zero, nada, niente, nichts! The only natural asset I own is my loud, foul mouth. But what I do have is a very generous income (thank you to Microsoft, who is the generous sponsor of my life). I drive a nice car, I buy nice tech, I go on nice vacations and I fucking love it. I love having money. I’ve had no money before and it fucking SUCKED.
So I told her: “To live a good life, in truth, you need very little. And I actually mean it. The less you want the easier your life gets. So if you, for instance, say: I don’t need a Tesla, I just need a ride that takes me from A to B, a Nissan will do just fi…”
She interrupts me right there and goes: “LOL fuck the Nissan, I want the Tesla!”
Safe to say her fate has been sealed.
While we keep working on her room, I can tell she grows more and more curious. You know how you can absolutely tell if a kid, or any person for that matter, pretends they listen to what you’re saying, but in reality they just wait until you shut your fucking mouth? Yeah not now. She’s like…LISTENING.
In my opinion, there are two things in life that you need to nail that can unlock you many doors and make your stay on this planet a lot easier.
Don’t be a cunt.
Try to be incredibly kind and honest. That’s a very important combination. Because if you’re just “honest” you end up saying inappropriate shit that nobody needs to hear and you’ll end up alone, always blaming others for your mistakes. That absolutely sucks. If you’re just kind, you end up a people pleasing pushover.Have some motherfucking cash.
You know what Brad Mondo says, when he reacts to videos of girls trying to save a couple of bucks bleaching or cutting their own hair at home and then having to come in and get it fixed?
If you wanna play, you gotta pay
I’m serious!
If you don’t have enough cash, you’ll always be reliable on a job…and people. Trust me, there is genuinely nothing more unreliable than a job…and PEOPLE! You’ll be a prisoner of your own standards. Your house, your car, your clothes, your fucking shitty ass rat piss apartment - they all cost money. Even if you have the lowest possible expectations. If you don’t want to live in the streets, you’ll have to pay somebody shit to get shit. That’s a lesson I learned way too late in life. Up until very recently, I was the most financially irresponsible person you have ever fucking met! EVER! Until I quit my job and tried to be self-employed.
That’s a topic for a different day, because this blog article is getting awfully long and I’m starting to lose interest so let’s wrap this up quickly. Let’s just say financial responsibility was hammered into me with sheer brute force. And now, this bitch has an excel sheet where she tracks her spendings. This bitch writes it all down. This bitch cuts down on dumb ass spendings.
This bitch is thriving, not just surviving!
So what about Ronja? Well…I told her to take her money and do the same. Not cut on spendings, because what kind of money do you have with 13? She broke! Just track spendings to get a feel for how much stuff costs. And maybe one day she’ll be like “ok you know what that Starbucks latte might not be worth the 10 bucks it makes me bleed”.
All of a sudden you have a little bit of cash and then?
And then you give it to your rich ass uncle (my best friend Erdi who works with me and basically taught himself to be a daytrader) and he will invest it for you. And by 40, you’ll have earned yourself a living by supporting AI pentagon defence companies and do whatever the fuck you want.
Because you know what??? And this is my final word:
Yes greed and money might be killing our oceans. But money can also save them. Maybe something worth considering.
Also don’t litter
For fucks sake!